教务政策代码:AA 2023-05

政策的代码: AA 2023-05

状态: 积极

取代: AA 2018-01

解决方法: FPC 23 - 24日

面积: 学院事务及发展

起源: 10/06/2015

有效: 12/06/2023

最后修改: 12/06/2023

下一个评论: 09/04/2028


I. 目的

To provide a process for all eligible Unit 3 faculty employees to receive assigned time for exceptional levels of service to 学生 that support the priorities of the California State 大学 (基督教社会联盟) system as well as the California State 大学, 多明格斯山(基督教社会联盟DH)的使命和战略计划符合第20条.2022-2024 CFA/基督教社会联盟集体谈判协议第37条, 但他们的工作量并没有得到相应的调整,以反映他们的努力. “所有教员单位的员工都有资格申请.教学人员、辅导员、图书管理员和教练——无论是偶然的还是偶然的.g. 讲师、见习生或终身教授都有资格申请.

II. 申请审核职责

The 大学 Leaves Committee will review applications for 为学生提供特殊水平的服务分配时间 (ATELSS) awards.

评审申请的教员不得作为该奖项的申请者. 受影响选区(大专院校), 图书馆, 及学生心理服务)应要求派出候补委员.


  1. 向教务长提出建议;
  2. 定期检讨及, 如果需要, 向学院政策委员会(FPC)提出建议,以便将来修改这项政策.

3. 分配时间,预算和报告

根据上述CBA条款, 基督教社会联盟 campuses will collectively provide Weighted Teaching Units (WTU) for Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to Students based on the number of full-time equivalent 学生 on campus. 这些WTU的数量将由基督教社会联盟传达给基督教社会联盟DH.


基督教社会联盟DH shall provide an accounting of expenditures for this program for the prior fiscal year by no later than November 1 of the subsequent year to the Academic Senate, 校园CFA领导, 和基社盟. The Office of Academic Affairs shall provide an annual report to the Academic Senate specific to the number of applicants, 教员的相关人口统计数据, 并确保奖项分配的透明度.

  1. Awards shall consist of WTUs or equivalent time and may be banked for use in the next academic year.
  2. Any unused WTUs or equivalent time from the program shall roll over for use in the following Academic Year.

IV. 资格和限制

  1. 资格
    1. All Unit 3 faculty unit employees as defined by the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement are eligible to apply and submit applications for 为学生提供特殊水平的服务分配时间.
    2. Eligible activities are those that have been or are being performed in the current semester or prior academic year (but not being compensated for either through reassigned time, 助学金, or other means of compensation) that have improved student’s learning experiences beyond faculty’s standard professional responsibilities.
    3. Priority shall be given to applications which demonstrate that the quality of 学生’ educational experience could not have been maintained without an increase in the faculty member’s workload.
    4. 已获分配时间从事同一活动类别的教员(例如.g.,为超额报名分配时间,为委员会服务分配时间等.)不得就同一项活动获得资助池的资助.
  2. 限制
    1. 指定时间只可在学年期间(8月至5月)使用。.
    2. Awards shall consist of WTUs or equivalent time and may be banked for use in the next academic year. 基督教社会联盟DH shall establish timelines so that assigned time is taken during the academic year in which the activities occurred.
  3. 时间轴

The Office of 学院事务及发展 will develop timelines for applications and review of applications.

V. 应用材料

An application for assigned time to support exceptional levels of service to 学生 shall consist of:

  1. 对当前活动的叙述性描述,不超过500字.
  2. 目前的简历(CV).
  3. Faculty members already receiving assigned time for the same general category of activity (e.g., 为超额注册分配时间, assigned time for committee service) shall not be eligible for support from this pool for the same activities. Applicants must include evidence of assigned time or a statement attesting that they are not currently receiving assigned time for the same general activity.


VI. 支持的活动和评审标准


  1. 学生辅导, 建议, 和推广, 特别是因为这些活动支持服务不足, 第一代, 和/或代表性不足的学生和其他支持这些学生的做法, 包括文化税收造成的;
  2. 发展和实施高影响力的教育实践;
  3. 重新设计课程,以提高学生的学习机会和成功;
  4. 为部门服务, 大学, 大学, 或者是远远超出全体教员正常期望的社区;
  5. 分配给那些入学人数增加的课程显然增加了工作量.
  6. 对学生或学校的其他特殊服务, 包括文化税带来的损失


  1. 应考虑以下因素:
    1. graduate instruction; online instruction; activity classes; laboratory courses; supervision; distance learning; sports; and directed study; class size/number of 学生; course and curricular redesign; preparation for substantive changes in instructional methods (including development of online and hybrid courses; re搜索, 学术, and creative activities; 建议; student teacher supervision; thesis supervision; supervision of fieldwork; service learning; student success initiatives; assessment and accreditation activities; and service on department, 学院或大学委员会.
    2. 在确定本政策下的“过度”或“不合理”工作量时, 前一句中所列的项目, 以及寻求参加学术领域课程的学生人数, 学生入学的分布, 该方案提供的支持水平, 以及引进新教学技术的效果, 和基督教社会联盟DH以前的做法应是考虑的主要因素之一.
    3. Consideration of the prior practices of 基督教社会联盟DH shall include the calculation of Weighted Teaching Units in prior years. Priority shall be given to applications which demonstrate that the quality of student’s educational experience could not have been maintained without an increase in the faculty member’s workload.
  2. 对学生成功和/或教育经历的影响(33.3%).
  3. Demonstration that the impact on and/or quality of student experience could not be maintained without an increase in workload and that it is above and beyond the faculty member’s assignment/regular duties (33.4%).
  4. 对第一代的影响, 代表名额不足的, 或历史上服务不足的学生和/或明显的文化税收(33).3%).
  5. The committee will determine cultural taxation per the document available at and as defined below: AS-3533-22/FA (Rev)文化税收,问题和教师投入(calstate).edu)
    1. 多样性问题专家;
    2. 被要求对多数群体进行多样性教育;
    3. 在处理多样性、公平和包容问题的工作组或委员会任职;
    4. 作为机构与族裔社区之间的联络人;
    5. 牺牲自己的工作时间来充当“解决者”, 故障诊断程序, 或者是政府间冲突的谈判代表, 学生, and community; and
    6. 为非英语访客担任翻译.

7. 建议


  1. 强烈推荐
  2. 推荐
  3. 不推荐

The committee shall submit its evaluations and the applications materials to the Provost who, 与负责分配工作量的适当管理员协商.g. 院长或主任), 就批准或拒绝该提案作出最后决定.

8. 向申请人提供的资料

学院事务和发展办公室将通知申请人最终决定. 拒绝应当说明理由.

IX. 上诉


  1. Decisions made by the 上诉委员会 shall be final and binding and are not subject to the grievance procedures specified in Article 10 of the CBA.
  2. Awards granted after an appeal shall be funded from the subsequent fiscal year’s obligation for this program and shall not exceed 10% of the annual obligation.


  1. 上诉委员会由学术评议会执行委员会委任
  2. 申诉委员会由随机抽取的终身教职人员组成. 申请奖学金的教员不得在上诉委员会任职.


  1. 上诉 of the denial shall be made to the Chair of the Academic Senate and shall be filed no more than ten (10) working days after the date upon which the applicant is notified of the decision.
  2. The Chair of the Academic Senate will appoint the 上诉委员会 within ten (10) working days of receiving the first appeal.
  3. The 上诉委员会 shall complete their review in not more than thirty (30) working days after receipt of the appeals.
  4. 上诉委员会应将其决定通知上诉人.

所有的修订 & 批准日期

AA 2018-01, 2018年8月29日再次确认,生效日期:2018年8月29日(状态:存档)

AA 2015-05, 2015年6月10日批准,生效日期:2015年4月23日(状态:存档)




AA 2022-03


Faculty; Committee



批准: Michael E. 斯帕尼亚,教务长兼学术事务副校长
日期: 12/06/2023


批准: 谢丽尔·库斯,学院事务与发展副校长
日期: 12/06/23


重申: Michael E. 斯帕尼亚,教务长兼学术事务副校长
日期: 08/29/2018

批准: Ellen Junn,教务长兼学术事务副校长
日期: 10/06/2015