chi-wen chen

Chi-Wen Chen's headshot

Associate Professor

(310) 243-3217



Chi-Wen Chen is an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management at CBAPP. His latest research focuses on multiple personal IT device use (i.e., the combined use of smartphones, tablets, laptop computers and/or desktop computers to complete a task). His research interests are on the intersections of user behavior, information and technologies in the fields of Information Systems and the Internet. The research topics include, but are not limited to, e-commerce, mobile commerce, social commerce and Information System use. His recent work has appeared in the journals including European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Internet Research, and Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. He received his BA in Marketing from National Chung Hsing University, MBA in Management Science from National Chiao Tung University, and PhD in Information Systems from the City University of New York.


Courses Taught at CSUDH

CIS 272, Business Programming I

CIS 275, Internet Literacy 

CIS 370, Information Systems Theory and Practice

CIS 373, Database Systems

CIS 471, Adv Network Based Applications


Curriculum Vitae

View the curriculum vitae for Professor Chen.



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