The deadlines for submission to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research for final approval are as follows:
Intent to Submit a Thesis/Project Form
All Students
FALL | September 10 |
SPRING | February 10 |
SUMMER | May 20 |
Committee Member Approvals
| External Degree Programs | On-Campus Programs |
FALL | October 3 | October 25 |
SPRING | March 3 | March 25 |
SUMMER | June 3 | June 3 |
Thesis/Project Submission
| External Degree Programs | On-Campus Programs |
FALL | October 10 | November 1 |
SPRING | March 10 | April 1 |
SUMMER | June 10 | June 10 |
Note: If a deadline falls on a weekend or campus holiday (including Spring Break), the deadline shall be the first business day following the deadline. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.