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The Post-Masters Certificate for Adult-Gerontology CNS, Neonatal CNS, or Pediatric CNS is for nurses with master’s degrees in nursing and recent acute care experience with the population. Included in the APRN course of study are advanced health assessment, advanced pathophysiology, pharmacology, health promotion, and management of complex care for neonates/children and families or for the adult population, from young adult to older adult, including the frail elderly, in various clinical and community settings.
Eligibility Requirements
Required Courses (31 units)
Required Courses (31 units)
Required Courses (31 units)
The Post-Master's Certificate in Nursing Administration is for nurses with a master's in nursing who want to develop advanced knowledge and skills as a nurse manager or administrator in health care institutions. The study of various health care systems and all areas of management are included with emphasis on quality improvement and evidence-based administrative practices. The certificate program consists of 15 units.
Eligibility Requirements
The Post-Master's Certificate in Nursing Education is for nurses with a master's in nursing who want to develop advanced knowledge and skills in curriculum development, student and program assessment, teaching and learning. Advanced health assessment, advanced pathophysiology, curriculum development, teaching strategies, testing and evaluation, and practice teaching with a faculty preceptor are included in the program. The Certificate Program consists of a total of 21 units.
Nursing Education Certificate
Required Courses (18 units)
Electives: Select one of the following courses (3 units)
At the time of admission, your role advisor will conduct a gap analysis of your prior coursework to determine if prior graduate coursework can be counted toward the 21 units in the certificate program.
For more information, please email