CSUDH OTIEC features an instructional staff comprised of seasoned safety professionals who possess excellent credentials relevant to various fields.
Our instructional staff includes seasoned subject matter experts in the following areas:
- Construction Projects such as hospitals, Interstate Highways and High-Rise Buildings
- Merchant Marine Operations, Long Shoring and Marine Terminals
- Supervising Diving Operations
- Military Deployments
- Water Treatment Plants
- Oil and Petroleum Refineries
- Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities and Dental Offices
- Fire Departments and Fire Brigades
- Cal/OSHA Field Accident Investigation
- Cal/OSHA Legal Process
- Grounds and Explosive Safety
Current OSHA Instructional Staff
- Jason Carothers
- John Casey
- Hector Escarcega
- Steve Ewing
- Marty Felts
- Dick Monod de Froideville
- Alex Ghazarian
- Bill Hollowell
- Robert Jorden
- Mariano Kramer
- Luis Ortiz
- Frank Pedraza
- Mered Scutti
- Jeremy Trask
- Fred Wilton
- Katherine Wolff